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“Create Something—It Will Make You Happy!”: Christmas Advice From Contemporary Artist, UuDam Tran Nguyen

December 20, 2024

This Christmas, Wink Hotels is delighted to have a conversation with UuDam Tran Nguyen, a highly creative Vietnamese artist. His works inspire creativity. UuDam’s unique projects, such as ECO-Đi — a conceptual artwork combining various artistic elements and Lao Tzu’s profound saying, “Good Travelers Leave No Traces” — embody the spirit of freedom and sustainability, reminding us of the importance of harmony with the environment. From this idea, UuDam created the concept of “Cool travelers travel with their heads.” According to him, a true traveler is not merely someone who visits new places, but also someone who thinks, feels, and connects with the nature and culture of the places they visit. “Traveling with your head” helps us become conscious, respectful, and environmentally protective travelers.

“Create something! Whether it’s art, a project, or a kind gesture—creation brings joy and purpose. Here’s to a year of new beginnings!”

Through his art, UuDam reminds us that the holiday season isn’t just about traditions but also about innovation, imagination, and creating new meanings for old values. As UuDam shared in our Christmas Q&A, “Create something—it will make you happy!”, a perfect message for a season of joy, hope, and inspiration.

1. What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas, to me, is about embracing the spirit of renewal and hope as we step into a new year. It’s a reminder of compassion and love for one another. Jesus’s birth symbolizes a fresh start and a purpose-driven life, urging us to reflect on our own reasons for being and how we can contribute positively to the world.

2. When did you begin suspecting Santa’s not real?

I’ve always known Santa was more of a magical idea than a real person. But that doesn’t make his story any less special—it’s about the joy, kindness, and imagination he inspires in children and adults alike. The “spirit of Santa” lives on every time we give selflessly or spread happiness.

3. What’s your most unforgettable gift?

One Christmas in the 1980s, my parents gave me a toy gun that shot firecrackers. It may sound simple, but as a kid, it felt like magic! It wasn’t just a toy, though—it was their way of understanding what would make me feel like a little badass.

4. If you were Santa, what would your priorities be?

If I had Santa’s powers, my first act would be to bring peace to the world—ending the war in Ukraine and all conflicts in one night.

5. If money were no object, what would you ask for this year?

I’d ask for 100 personal robot assistants from Elon Musk.

6. Can you give a positive message to all our readers for the new year?

Create something, it will make you happy! Whether it’s a wild idea, a new project, or just a random act of kindness—creating brings joy.

As we wrap up this special Christmas conversation with UuDam Tran Nguyen, we’re reminded of the power of creativity, connection, and hope. This holiday season, let’s take his inspiring message to heart: create something meaningful, share joy with others, and embrace the possibilities of a brand-new year.

Wishing you all a season filled with warmth, inspiration, and new beginnings!